Boris Johnson says Trump back in White House is “what the world needs.”

Boris Johnson says Trump back in White House is
‘what the world needs’

Ex-PM of Britain backs former US president ahead of election, Trump back in White House is
‘what the world needs’ to stop the war in Ukraine, saying he ‘won’t ditch the Ukrainians’.

Boris Johnson has backed Donald Trump ahead of November’s US presidential election, saying his return to the White House could be “just what the world needs”.

In his weekly Daily Mail column, the former prime minister argued that if Trump backs Ukraine in its war against Russia, his renewed leadership “can be a big win for the world”.

However, Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on continued US support for Kyiv if he is re-elected, while boasting about his relationship with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Trump, who has also repeatedly been openly critical of Nato, previously claimed that he could end Russia’s war on Ukraine in 24 hours.

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